Anubrata Bhowmick


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Anubrata Lab AI

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Teaching Assistants

2020-201600078-2A: Brain-Computer Interfacing

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The course gives an introduction to Brain Computer Interfacing (BCI). The course will be geared towards knowledge and give an introduction into several BCI paradigms -- such as SSVEP, P300, N400, Imaginary movement -- signal acquisition, pre-processing techniques, classification methods and user feedback. The course was designed by Prof. dr. Mannes Poel.

I advised the BCI course at University of Twente during Quarter 2A of 2021 as a Teaching Assistant.

2019-201800335-2A: Programming 2

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This course teaches object-oriented programming concepts, as well as basic insights in data structures, algorithm efficiency, and multithreading. The course was designed by Prof. dr. Chris Zeinstra.

I advised the Programming 2 course at University of Twente during Quarter 2A of 2020 as a Teaching Assistant.